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Massey Tractors For Sale in the UK

Used Massey Ferguson tractors for sale in the UK from Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Ltd. On this page you will find information on the Chandlers Massey Ferguson tractor depots. As AGCO main dealers supplying both new and used Massey Ferguson tractors in the UK, both into our local service area, and nationally or internationally for our used tractor stock; Chandlers have 7 main depots each equipped to supply you with a professionally serviced Used Massey FergusonTractor for the UK market or for export worldwide. Click on the map links to find out the exact location of your nearest Chandlers Massey tractors depot.

MF1500 Compact Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF1700 Compact Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF4700 Global - ROPS
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF4700 Global - Cab
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF 5400 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF6400 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF7400 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF7600 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF8400 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF8700 - Range
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF2200 Big Square Balers
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF TH Telehandlers
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
MF Hay & Forage Tools
Massey Ferguson Used Massey Tractors
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Tractors for sale in the UK

Used Massey Ferguson tractors for sale in the UK

Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Ltd. supply good quality Used Massey Ferguson tractors from our 7 depots in the UK, based in Lincolnshire & Leicestershire. Click on the 'map' links above to find out information on our depots, all in the heartland farming Counties of Lincolnshire & Leicestershire in the UK, at Belton, Horncastle, Spilsby, Holbeach, BarnackLutterworth & Shefford

Chandlers Used Massey Ferguson Tractors Depot Map
All of Chandlers Used Massey Ferguson tractor depots are certified to the AGCO 5 star dealer standards level, the highest level of the AGCO Massey Ferguson world-wide dealer standards program, for sales, parts and service. This attention to service, sales, parts and technical training is aimed at providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. If you have any comments about our business, website, company, farming in general or Massey Ferguson tractors, please get in touch with us by, phone or email, or by filling in our enquiry form attached to any of our stock tractors.

Chandlers Belton Depot Tractor Lineup5 Star AGCO Dealer Standards

Used Massey Ferguson Tractors at Chandlers Belton depot

Massey Ferguson tractors on display at the Chandlers Belton depot, and the latest AGCO 5 star dealer standards award for sales, parts and service of Massey Ferguson tractors.

Massey Ferguson 7499 at Chandlers Belton Depot in the UK

AGCO Official certification of 5 star dealer status for Massey Ferguson

AGCO Massey Ferguson 5 Star Dealer - Chandlers Used Massey Tractors


© Chandlers Used Massey Tractors 2010-13


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Chandlers Used Massey Tractors, specialists in the retail, trade and export sales of used MF tractors in the UK and Europe Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Ltd. - established in 1935, celebrates 75 years of serving the farming community in 2010, supplying Massey Ferguson tractors Chandlers Used Massey Tractors are 5 star AGCO dealers for sales parts and service of Massey Ferguson Tractors